The new year is here - a time for transformation, fresh starts, and shedding old habits. In the spirit of “new year, new you,” let’s bring that energy to your small business’s cyber security practices. Here’s our list of cyber security ins and outs for 2025 to keep your business safe online.
Cyber security ins for 2025 ✅
Setting long, strong, and unique passwords
Make weak passwords a thing of the past by creating passwords with multiple characters, symbols and letters, and using a unique password for each account. Even better, upgrade to passphrases for an added boost of security.
Using MFA on all your accounts
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring only authorised users access your data and making it virtually impossible for hackers to get into your account.
Completing the Cyber Wardens training
In as little as 10 minutes, you and your team can gain the essential cyber security skills you need to help identify cyber security red flags that pose a threat to your business.
Using a password manager
Simplify password management with a password manager, which is encrypted software designed to generate and securely store complex passwords while syncing across multiple devices.
Reporting suspected scams
Sharing suspected scams with the right people helps to ensure the senders can be investigated and blocked, and that other staff can be warned about these attempts.
Backing up your data
Regular, automated backups ensure that your critical information is protected and recoverable in case of a cyber attack. Bonus points if you double up on backups and keep multiple external hard drives in addition to your cloud storage.
Cyber security outs for 2025 ⛔
Clicking on dodgy links
Avoid clicking links from unknown sources, as they can lead to phishing scams or malware threats.
Snoozing software updates
As tempting as it may be to hit snooze when an update pops up in the middle of an urgent task, skipping updates leaves your systems exposed to known vulnerabilities. Make patching a priority by actioning software updates as they arise.

Leaving your laptop in sleep mode
When we shut down our computers, automatic software updates are installed that can help protect against a cyber break-in. Shut down your computer every night when you f inish work.
Re-using the same password
When we use unique and complex passwords or passphrases, we stop cyber criminals from accessing multiple programs and services if they crack one of them. Change your passwords and save them in a secure password manager.
Sharing logins within your team
Give team members their own accounts to enhance security and accountability. When each team member has a unique login, it means that if one staff member’s password is compromised, multiple accounts aren’t compromised. You are also better protected from insider threats.
Assuming cyber criminals only target large businesses
Many small businesses consider themselves too small to be targeted by cyber crime. Unfortunately, they are wrong: nearly half (43%) of all cyber crime targets small businesses, and a single attack can cost an average of $50,000.

In conclusion
Make 2025 your year of cyber safety by ditching the bad habits that make you vulnerable to cyber crime, and putting measures in place to ensure your business is protected from hacks and scams.