
Resources Hub / Boost your cyber resilience / This free course could save your small business an average of $46,000

This free course could save your small business an average of $46,000



In Australia, small businesses are facing a digital crisis. Despite being the backbone of our economy – contributing $418 billion to our country's GDP – they're increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks that can cripple operations.

Cyber attacks are on the rise.

The advent of AI has unleashed a new wave of more sophisticated cyber crimes. It’s no longer the stereotypical email commonly received from scammers in the 1990s telling you that you’ve inherited a fortune or won the lottery. These days, AI is allowing scammers to mimic the tone, language and cadence of people at the Australian Taxation Office or even your bank manager.

Read more here.

Story credit: 9News

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It happened to me!

Have you got a Cyber attack story to share? Your story can help other small businesses protect themselves.

It happened to me!

Have you got a Cyber attack story to share? Your story can help other small businesses protect themselves.