Resources Hub / Protect your business / The true cost of a cyber attack on a small business like Vacayit

The true cost of a cyber attack on a small business like Vacayit

As the CEO of VacayIt, a small audio story-telling business working with tourism and destination organisations, Hailey is aware that a cyber attack is almost inevitable.

She and her team have completed the Cyber Wardens program to protect their customers’ data and ensure that their strong brand reputation isn’t affected by a cyber attack.

“My greatest fear around a cyber attack is how much it’s going to cost the business and what data we won’t be able to get back.”

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It happened to me!

Have you got a Cyber attack story to share? Your story can help other small businesses protect themselves.

It happened to me!

Have you got a Cyber attack story to share? Your story can help other small businesses protect themselves.