Free online cyber security course

Simple online learning for small business owners and employees

Government-funded and trusted by thousands of Australian small businesses

Government-funded and trusted by
thousands of Australian small businesses

Three reasons cyber security is a BIG issue for small businesses

Many businesses only partially recover, permanently losing critical data or finances. Ransomware incidents can be extremely disruptive. While the average attack disrupts for about 21 days, your preparedness and response plan affects this duration.

Average cost of a cyber attack on a small business
$ 0
Average time lost after a cyber attack
0 days
of cyber attacks involve human error
0 %

Did you know that a cyber attack is reported every six minutes in Australia?

Cyber crime can disrupt your business for days, if not weeks, or even permanently. That’s where Cyber Wardens comes in.

Funded by the Australian government, Cyber Wardens is a free online training program focused on providing you with quick wins you can implement to help protect your small business against cyber threats.

Cyber Wardens is a key initiative within the Australian Government’s Cyber Security Strategy, supporting the first of six cyber shields: Strong businesses and citizens.

Hear from other small businesses

Don't take our word for it!


There are simple things you can do to keep your business safe. You always think it won’t happen to you until it does.

Lisa Millwood

Owner of a family Plasterboard business


When everyone is stretched thin, it’s reassuring to have someone like Aimee ensuring our cyber systems are secure.

Georgie Verhoeven

Client Development Manager at Hook Collective


As a new company, we want to get everything right from the get-go.

Aimee Cadan

Head of Corporate at Hook Collective


It takes things we should know and telling us in plain, clear English, like changing your passwords into long passphrases.

Kirsten Lynch

Owner of Plato’s Wonder gift and toy store.

Latest news and resources

Start learning about common cyber hacks and help protect your business today

Free online cyber security course

Simple and self-paced online learning designed for small business owners and employees

Simple and self-paced online learning designed for small business owners and employees

By joining the Cyber Wardens program you will learn to:

Visit the Cyber Wardens Course Catalogue to learn more.